(This map is not produced or maintained by the Nebraska State Patrol and the Nebraska State Patrol does not guarantee it to be free from error or omission. The Nebraska State Patrol and its employees disclaim any liability for any act done or omission made on the information on the map and any consequences of such act or omission.)
Norman John Haley Jr
Lifetime Offender
Douglas Alan Hall
Lifetime Offender
Jamar Albert Hall
In-Process Offender
Roger Lee Hall
Lifetime Offender
Thomas Allen Hall
Lifetime Offender
Tyrone Lamar Hall
Lifetime Offender
Paul William Halmes
25-Year Offender
John Michael Halpin
25-Year Offender
John Dale Hamburger II
Lifetime Offender
Herman Dale Hamilton
Lifetime Offender
Joshua David Hamilton
Lifetime Offender
Ryan Samuel Hamilton
25-Year Offender