(This map is not produced or maintained by the Nebraska State Patrol and the Nebraska State Patrol does not guarantee it to be free from error or omission. The Nebraska State Patrol and its employees disclaim any liability for any act done or omission made on the information on the map and any consequences of such act or omission.)

Showing results 121 - 132 of 2203 | 1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... 184
Dennis Mark Barrett

Dennis Mark Barrett

25-Year Offender
Maurilio Junior Barrios

Maurilio Junior Barrios

25-Year Offender
Billy Joe Barritt

Billy Joe Barritt

Lifetime Offender
Jason Dion Barrow

Jason Dion Barrow

Lifetime Offender
Carrie Jean Bartels

Carrie Jean Bartels

15-Year Offender
Tigue Nathaniel Bass

Tigue Nathaniel Bass

25-Year Offender
Jason Allen Bates

Jason Allen Bates

25-Year Offender
Sergio Batres

Sergio Batres

In-Process Offender
Joel Thomas Batten

Joel Thomas Batten

25-Year Offender
Duane Louis Bauer

Duane Louis Bauer

25-Year Offender
Domingo Bautista

Domingo Bautista

Lifetime Offender
Francisco Bautista

Francisco Bautista

In-Process Offender
Showing results 121 - 132 of 2203 | 1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... 184